The Best Synthetic Ice
Created by Skaters For Skaters
Super-Glide IS the best synthetic ice
to practice and skate on
Super-Glide synthetic ice surface challenges figure skaters to refine their spins and erase small technique flaws. Practicing on Super-Glide boosts figure skaters’ spinning ability. Ultimately, figure skaters overall performance is increased, skaters who aspire to be the best are now training on Super-Glide synthetic ice.
Edge jumps: Super-Glide® encourages figure skaters to press harder into jumps, resulting in more height on ice.
Toe jumps: Super-Glide teaches figure skaters to place the toe pick correctly for more efficient take-offs.
Spins: Super-Glide on better positions, resulting in faster more controlled spins.

Watch Perry Boskus, an accomplished skater, hockey player and coach, inventor and manufacturer of Super-Glide synthetic ice, skating on the outdoor Super-Glide synthetic ice rink in New York
Super-Glide Synthetic Ice
& Figure Skating

Benefits of practicing on Super-Glide synthetic ice
Our Customer's Best Opinion:

"The first time I had stepped onto my Super Glide rink I was instantly impressed. Other synthetic ice surfaces claim to have an "ice-like" feel. That is simply untrue. After skating on several of the competitors’ products, there was no comparison. Being a competitive figure skater for 20 years and now a full-time coach, I am always looking for the best training tools in the industry. In just two weeks, I have seen all of my students gain strength, balance and speed on the ice. Within one hour of using Super Glide for the first time, my students were performing all single, and double jumps with ease. Super Glide is the ONLY synthetic ice surface that figure skaters can utilize successfully to make them better, faster. Thank you Super Glide!"
Erin R. Tongue, Professional Skaters Association Rated Coach
Binghamton, NY